A few months ago, I started jotting down things I hear around the house from my boys because, well, they make me laugh. In an attempt to give others a chuckle, it’s now turned in to a Mom of Boys series on the 3rd Sunday of each month. It gives me a good reminder each month why I love my silly boys so much and it’s so fun to look back on months past as they grow up. If you missed our first Mom of Boys posts be sure to go back and check them out!
Let’s explain how this will work and who things were said by…
A = my skinny, karate obsessed, 6 1/2 year old
L = my spunky, snack loving, 3 1/2 year old
J = my geeky chic husband
M = me aka mom of boys
This is in no way meant to be a parenting lesson. Just a little peek into our crazy and at times comical lives.
Mom of boys…things you never thought you’d hear in your home, then you birthed a boy.
A: Mom for my birthday I want to go to the moon.
L: For my birthday I want to go to a waterpark.
L: Let’s take one of those popcorn seeds and plant it outside and it will grow a popcorn tree.
A: Dude, did you see I threw your head in to the ground?
C (A’s best friend): Yes, thank you!
L: We can’t ever punch people. Or kick them in to lava. Or kick them in to acid that would sink them.
A: Mom we should get one of those electricity cars so we never have to get gas.
M: Ya, but you still have to plug it in.
L: Mom, let’s get a candy car so we can just pull candies off it any time we want.
A: We should have a candy world where trees are candy, houses are cupcakes, buildings are cakes and the earth would be a gumball.
L: Yeah but if we lived at Santa’s house and we want a cookie we have to ask.
A: I tooted and now I smell cheese cracker.
(On our way to a wedding reception)
A: Mom, if someone gives her the present can I give it to her?
M: No one gives her the present, we put it on the table.
A: Oh, and then do we give her all the presents at the end like a birthday party?
Our favorite comment from last month comes from Susan, she says:
My 3 year old will steal your drink (any drink) so we are trying to teach him to ask first. While eyeing his dad’s glass of milk, dad grabs it and drinks. P very loudly exclaims, “Daaaad, ask first.” I nearly choked laughing so hard. Well at least he is getting the concept.
Have your kids made you laugh lately? What comical or off the wall things have you said or overheard your kids say? Share in the comments and we will choose our favorites to share in our next Mom of Boys post on September 21st (we’re skipping August since we’ll be adding little boy #3 to our family that week).
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