Not that I ever was untrue to myself here, I just sometimes thought, “What are my goals here? I’m not going for a book deal or a handmade shop. I’m not set on being on TV or becoming a social media consultant. So what am I doing?” What I am doing is sharing a piece of myself in hopes that some other woman out there will take a look and say, “Wow, if she can do that, I bet I can too.” I am just here to share and am totally honored that you come here to read. I feel like we’re friends though I may never “meet” many of you. But, I hope I can share with you the real me even if it’s only online.
I am not perfect. (Ha, there’s a big surprise right). I do stupid things. Like at SNAP when I could not get the automatic paper towel dispenser to well, dispense. I did a little jig in front of it as my offering to the paper towel Gods only to find out later that one of the bloggers I admire was there to witness it. How do I know? Cause she said,”Weren’t you the one dancing in the bathroom?” when I introduced myself later that day. Gah, hello red face of embarrassment. I guess at least she saw the real (somewhat silly and borderline weird) me, before I was able to hide it under my shy, nervous, you are totally awesome and I lose my words in your presence introduction.

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Michelle, I really just think you are fantastic. I love that you dance in the bathroom, and I love that you like circus peanuts, too. I wish I would have been able to be more ‘there’ with you guys, instead of distracted and gone with H. It was soooo fun when I was! We really should get together one of these days – we’re certainly close enough!
It was great meeting you at SNAP in the DIY session! I think this is a great recap, it’s always important to be happy being you and doing what you love. BTW, I wish I would have seen that jig in the bathroom, hahahaha.