I decided that this year was going to be the year I focus more on room makeovers. Get all the half done rooms in to the visions of them I have in my head. I’ve mapped out a plan and if all goes accordingly, by the end of the year I’ll have re-done seven areas in my home. Here’s to making it happen!
Let’s start with the laundry room. There are few things that please me more than a beautiful, organized place even if it is in a corner that no one (except all of you of course) will see and a room strictly used for chores. After all, the laundry room is “loads of fun.” Well, it is now!
DIY Laundry Room
But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I have wanted this room done for a long time. Since we moved in 6 1/2 years ago actually. I ripped down the hideous geese wallpaper border soon after moving in. So quickly in fact, that no pictures remain of it. I do have this before shot where you get a glimpse of where the border was as it left a stripe on the peach and gray striped wallpaper. Enough to make you shudder a little.
And now a sigh of relief as the poor room is taken out of its misery.

We still have cabinets to paint, but something about 30 degree weather and painting in the garage just isn’t right. They’ll be getting a clean coat of white as soon as weather permits. So in Utah, probably May. 😉 Let’s focus on the positive.
We already talked about paint and stenciling. (see how to stencil patterns)
Today we’ll be doing a tour of the details and decor. I already had this shelf and hanging area. It just got a good wipe down.
I had an awesomely placed outlet to work around, but thanks to Ikea Lack shelves, it was no problem. I added a tray and cover for my fabric softener sheets on the dryer.
On the small shelf, I put together a Laundry stain removal cheat sheet and a bar of Fels-Naptha. It is supposed to be great at removing stains, just rub over the stain and wash.

I love the nostalgic feel of using an actual bar though I thought it was white when I bought it. I suppose it adds a pop of color. I got the soap dish for $4 on clearance at my local Smith’s marketplace.
The larger shelf holds a jar of clothes pins (again for nostalgia sake) and a jar of Oxiclean. The basket is for socks that have no mates. After each day of laundry I check it to see if any of the mates have appeared. The shelf also holds a piece of white coral and some painted jars that we’ll talk more about tomorrow (see pic above).
Back by the door is a hook board holding buckets for buttons, coins and other small items from pockets. On the ledge is a magnet for safety pins for our sock system. That leaves the perfect space on our counter for a laundry basket.
The last spot on our tour is the ceiling. I had every intention of replacing this light, but then I took a good look at it while cleaning it off and decided I actually quite like the frosty, dainty little thing, so for now it stays.

So, what do you think?
Tomorrow we’ll talk about three easy projects from my DIY laundry room that cost under $5:
See ya soon!
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I love it. My laundry room is about the same size. Thanks for the inspiration.
Very nice! It would be almost fun to do laundry there! Almost!
Looks great so far. I actually like the yellow soap. It was a happy accident! Can’t wait to see how the cabinets turn out. I am a new follower visiting from Sumo’s Sweet Stuff. Vicky from Mess For Less
I think it looks great and the paint color really brought the room to life! Love the stenciling above the washer and dryer too! Beautiful!
This looks very nice, I liked the colors as well.
oh my laundry room needs some freshening up. Thanks for the tips!
Looking great! Once you get the cabinets painted it will be so bright and cheerful in there. Very nice job.
Oh I LOVE it SO much. Hope you can link this up at my turquoise lovin’ party going on!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com/2012/01/turquoise-lovin-21.html
Beautiful job! Blue is my favorite color too- just makes you feel good….good enough to go get a load of laundry done 😉
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LOVE the yellow soap…it gets out just about any stain! I do soak the really bad ones before washing them, but if the stain just happened then washing right away works well. I’ve yet to come across a toddler stain that it won’t get out. Awesome stuff (and pretty too!)
Love the nostalgic items! Will you share your stain removal cheat sheet, please?