- Wrapping paper
- Elmers Glue Spots
- Elmers foam board (we used bifold, but you only need one side)
- Scissors
- Large Popsicle sticks
- Heavy duty kitchen shears
- Garden twine
- Elmers tacky glue
- Hot glue
- Wood Star
- Martha Stewart Glitter Paint
- Buttons

- 3 X-ACTO Retract-a-Blade knives
- 3 CraftBond Extra Strength Glue Sticks
- 3 CraftBond Tape Runners
- 3 Mini Bi-fold 9×12 Foam Board packs
- 1 Painters Markers pack
- 1 X-ACTO Decorative Edge Scissors pack
- 1 Circle Cutter
- 1 X-ACTO Self-Healing Mat
- 1 Glue Dots pack
- 2 Photo Corners packs (various colors)
- 1 Gel Pens pack
- 1 Tacky Glue bottle
- What in the prize pack are you most excited about?
- Like Elmer’s on Facebook on tell them hello from A Little Tipsy
- Follow Elmer’s on Twitter
- Follow A Little Tipsy
- Tweet or Facebook about this giveaway Ex: I’m hoping to win the @elmers #craftandtell giveaway on @littletipsyblog!
Oh my what fun this would be to do with my son! I would love to win one of these 🙂
What a fun prize pack, and a cute craft too! I am most excited about the circle cutter. I have yet to find one that I truly LOVE!
I also follow A Little Tipsy.
I’m the most excited about either the glue dots or the glue runner. How dorky am I?
I follow Elmer’s on FB
I follow Elmer’s on Twitter
I’m a follower of you!
I also tweeted:http://twitter.com/#!/RenoSparksMom/status/137268375561838592
I am most excited about the Painters Markers pack! But everything inside sounds like an awesome party that I hope I get to have!
I follow a little tipsy and absolutely LOVE you blog!
I’m excited for the tape runners! So cool! I would love to have a party with this haul! 🙂
I like them on FB!
I follow your blog, too!
I’m excited about the different adhesives; using the right product simplifies my life!
I follow A Little Tipsy!
Oh I love Elmer’s. I really want to try the glue dots. I haven’t yet, and am wondering if they work well.
I’ve followed ALT for awhile!
I like Elmer’s on FB.
Most excited about the self-healing mat! Believe it or not the “self-healing” mats that I have are pretty worn! But the whole pack would get me SOOOO excited!
I follow a little tipsy!
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/lw4photos/status/137274603587371008
I would love to try the circle cutter. So basic but so hard to make one without the proper tools.
I would love the cutting mat! I want to have a Pinterest party sometime soon…this would be perfect!
I follow A Little Tipsy!
I like Elmer’s on FB!
I am most excited about the X-ACTO Decorative Edge Scissors pack
tomokofive at gmail dot com
follow your blog
tomokofive at gmail dot com
tomokofive at gmail dot com
weird as it sounds, i would love the circle cutter. keep wondering why i never remember to pick one up.
i follow a little tipsy 🙂
Most excited about the Decorative Edge Scissors Pack!
I’m a blog follower.
I would love the gel pens pack!
I am most excited about the self healing mat and cutter!!!! And glue dots, who doesn’t love glue dots.
I ‘liked’ elmers on FB
The one item in the pack that sends shivers down my spine (good ones) is the exacto self healing mat! Thanks for the giveaway!
The self-healing mat would be awesome!
I like Elmer’s on Facebook!
I have joined twitter (what was I thinking?)and was automatically following Elmer’s just for this giveaway.
I follow you via GFC!
I like Elmer’s on facebook
I have followed A little tipsy because it is just that awesome for quite some time now
Even though it took me a second to figure it out, I tweeted exactly what was posted: I’m hoping to win the @elmers #craftandtell giveaway on @littletipsyblog!
The circle cutter. For sure.
musicalmaestro {at} gmail {dot} com
I follow A Little Tipsy
What am I NOT excited about??? That is an AMAZING package!! LOVE the healing mat and the circle cutter! Thanks so much for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
I am a fan of Elmer’s on FB—Thanks so much for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
I’m following Elmer’s on Twitter:) (jb_designs) Thanks so much for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog:) Thanks so much for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
Just tweeted:) I’m hoping to win the @elmers #craftandtell giveaway on @littletipsyblog!
Thanks so much for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com
i wouldn’t mind getting my little hands on a self healing mat
I follow elmers on twitter
i tweeted!!
I’d be most excited about the healing mat! I could use an upgrade ;o)
Oh Gosh Looooove this giveaway! so many projects and so much fun! I’m excited about the gel pens and the Decorative Edge Scissors pack!!
I would love to have the circle cutter. So much fun!
I’ve been a follower of yours for quite some time and I plan to continue to follow your blog.
I have followed your blog ever since I discovered you on Pinterest!
I liked Elmer’s on Facebook!
I’m now following Elmer’s on Twitter!
I facebooked your giveway!
I’m most excited about the glue dots! I think they would save lots of time when crafting!
Love those trees!! I would really like to try out the glue dots…I think they would be great for doing crafts with the kids!
I’m pretty excited about the self healing mat and the glue runners!
I like Elmer’s on Facebook!
I follow Elmers on Twitter as well!
I follow A Little Tipsy!
Ooh, excited about the glue dots and tacky glue!
I follow A Little Tipsy
I think I’m most excited about the cutting mats.
I follow A Little Tipsy with GFC.
I’m excited for the cutting mats!
What am I NOT excited about? I’m a teacher so glue is a staple for me. =)
I guess the tape runners?
Thanks for the chance!
I am most excited about the self healing mat! yay!
I follow you!
I follow A Little TIpsy.
I Like Elmer’s on Facebook.
I’m a “Tipsy” Follower
I’m most excited about the craft bond tape runners!
I love the gel pens and the tape runners.
I am definitely most excited about the glue dots and circle cutter. Fun!!
I like Elmers on Facebook.
GFC Follower.
I’m most excited for the glue stick and the circle cutter 🙂
I like elmer’s on facebook
i like a little tipsy on facebook
I tweeted about the giveaway
I like Elmers on facebook.
I follow Elmers on Twitter
I am most excited about the scissor pack!
The self-healing mat and the glue dots! So much fun!
alissa (at) funfindsforfamilies (dot) com
I follow Elmer’s on FB.
alissa (at) funfindsforfamilies (dot) com
I follow Elmer’s on Twitter (@funfinds4fams)
alissa (at) funfindsforfamilies (dot) com
I follow A Little Tipsy. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
alissa (at) funfindsforfamilies (dot) com
Oooh the x-acto knives. I am forever losing mine or needing a new blade and they are so handy to have for so many projects.
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
I lovew Gel pEns and glue dots!!! What a great giveaway.
I follow tipsy
I liked on Facebook
I would really love some new X ACTO knives!
The circle cutter and mat.
ndmolyneaux (AT) yahoo (dot) com
I like Elmer’s on FB!
I follow Elmer’s on Twitter!
I follow A Little Tipsy!
The decorative edge scissor pack sounds cool!
I would be excited most about the self healing mat!
I am a follower of your blog!
I would be excited about the whole pack…but gel pens and the circle cutter would be nice 🙂
I follow Elmer’s on FB
I follow Elmer’s on Twitter
I follow you as well 🙂
I follow “A Little Tipsy” via email!
I would be MOST excited about the retract-a-blade X-ACTO. Thanks for the chance to win!
GFC follower
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
Following Elmer’s on Twitter as @DuckyBunny
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
Posted on FB as sarah linette
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
The self healing mat but everything else is great also. I follow you via rss email
Would love the self-healing mat!
Everything but especially the self healing mat !
liked you on fb
liked elmer on fb
The whole package has “the promise of a fun time” written all over it..The circle cutter does stand out a wee bit more because I wonder if it will work on fabric too…but it really is all splendid!
I went to Elmer’s FB and liked them and said Hello too!
I followed Elmer’s on Twitter too!
I am following A Little Typsy too!
I tweeted about this too!
I am a follower of A Little Typsy! I love it!
Another great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.
I am excited about the X-acto self healing mat! I love Elmers tacky glue too!
I love these products, especially the mat!!
Liked on Facebook and commented
Fabulous! I am much excited about the curcle cutter. It’s amazing what all good ‘ol Elmer’s glue can do.
Ooh, I think I’d be the most excited for the exacto knives and the painters markers! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I love glue dots- there are so many ways to use them. But I’ve been totally wanting a circle cutter- I have it on my Christmas list this year!
Like Elmers on facebook 🙂
I already follower your blog (and love it!) this looks like such a fun time!!
I would love to try the elmer’s tacky glue and the circle cutter. Very cute project!
love the circle cutter! sarah.curence at gmail
I liked elmers on facebook! Thanks!
I am most excited about the Self-Healing Mat!!! Thanks for this opportunity! dorothykay05@yahoo.com
Patricia Wojnar Crowley
I’m most excited about the circle cutter!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley
I like Elmer’s on facebook!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley
I follow A Little Tipsy on GFC as tcrowley122
Patricia Wojnar Crowley
I follow Elmer’s on twitter as TimCrowley2
I would love to enter the drawing!
how creative!
Liked Elmer’s! We have craft parties all the time, would love to do this!
Facebooked the giveaway.
I would love to win this. I could never pick a fav! All is so much fun.
I love Elmer’s and I love their self healing mats the most!:)
missashleigh at juno dot com
I like Elmer’s on Facebook and told them you sent me!:)
missashleigh at juno dot com
I follow Elmer’s on twitter!
missashleigh at juno dot com
I follow A Little Tipsy!
missashleigh at juno dot com
I retweeted about this giveaway!! 🙂
missashleigh at juno dotcom
2 of my local grandchildren are here with me a few times a week. I am the “crafty” grandma, having them make or decorate something a couple times a month. These items would sure help with my time with them.
Hi There!
I am MOST excited about the fact that it comes with enough supplies to literally make a party! Most giveaways are just for one person, but what a beautiful way to get friends together and try a new product!!!
I’d love to have a self-healing mat.
i too am excited with the prospect of wining supplies to share with my friends at our local residential care home. We will have such fun exploring and using the products. Thank you for the opportunity .
This is a fantastic give away. I would love to play with the painters markers!
Just had to say I love the Christmas tree. I’m going to do this with my special ed kids at school. They will love it too. I’m now following Elmer’s on Facebook. Gave you a shout out on their page too!
I’m in need of those glue dots and glue runner…love them!
Very keen to make this Christmas tree with wrapping paper, looks very easy and effective, love it.
This is a very good idea for a Christmas Tree.